10 Fun Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Quiz
Nimrod and the The Tower of Babel quiz is a fun way to learn about the famous biblical story of the Tower of Babel. This quiz will test your knowledge of the story and see how well you know your Bible!
Quiz Scripture reference: Genesis 10:8-11, Genesis 11:1-9
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Quiz Question
1. How many languages did the world have when the people built the city and tower of Babel?
a: No one knows
b: One
c: Six
d: Two
2. When the people moved eastward, they settled in what plain?
a: Plains of Moab
b: Plains of Mamre
c: Plains of Shinar
d: Plains of Moreh
3. What was their motive for trying to build a tower that would reach the heavens?
a: They wanted to visit the heavens
b: They were idle and needed something to do
c: They wanted to be rich
d: Make a name for themselves
4. What materials did they use to build the city and tower?
a: Stone and Sand
b: Brick and Tar
c: Rocks and Clay
d: Wood and Iron
5. What did God say when He came down to see the city and tower they were building?
a: He praised them for their efforts
b: He made some changes to the city and tower structure
c: He said there is nothing they plan to do that will be impossible for them
d: He asked why they didn’t seek His permission first
6. What did God do to stop them from completing the building of the city and tower?
a: He created multiple languages and confused them
b: He changed their language to ten languages
c: Nothing
d: He changed their language to Hebrew
7. What did God do to them after confusing their language?
a: He left them where they where
b: He gave them a new project to work on
c: He moved them to the garden of Eden
d: He scattered them over the ace of the earth
8. Why was the city called Babel?
a: Because the Lord revealed himself to them
b: Because the Lord appeared to them
c: Because the Lord confused the language of the world
d: Because the Lord was pleased with them
9. Who was known to be a mighty hunter before the Lord?
a: Cush
b: Sheba
c: Sidon
d: Nimrod
10. Who was the father of Nimrod?
a: Cush
b: Abraham
c: Moses
d: Noah
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Quiz Answers

1: One
2: Plains of Shinar
3: Make a name for themselves
4: Brick and Tar
5: He said there is nothing they plan to do that will be impossible for them
6: He created multiple languages and confused them
7: He scattered them over the ace of the earth
8: Because the Lord confused the language of the world
9: Nimrod
10: Cush
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