God You're So Good Chords and Lyrics

We will be sharing with you "God You're So Good chords and lyrics" by Passion from the album "God, You’re So Good", released in 2018.

For more Christian chords and lyrics songs, see I Speak Jesus Chords and Lyrics by Charity Gayle, In Jesus Name (God of Possible) Chords and Lyrics by Katy Nichole, Hymn Of Heaven Chords and Lyrics By Phil Wickham.

Table of Contents

God You're So Good Chords

These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

Amazing Grace Chords and Lyrics img

Chord Info:

Title: God You're So Good
Artists: Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood, Kristian Stanfill, Brett Younker
Album: God, You’re So Good
Key: [Bb]
Original Key: Bb

Verse 1:
Amazing love
That welcomes me
The kindness of mercy
That bought with blood, wholeheartedly
My soul undeserving

God, You're so good
God, You're so good
God, You're so good
You're so good to me

Verse 2:
Behold the cross
Age to age
And hour by hour
The dead are raised, the sinner saved
The work of Your power

Bridge 1:
I am blessed, I am called
I am healed, I am whole
I am saved in Jesus' name
Highly favored, anointed
Filled with Your power
For the glory of Jesus' name

Bridge 2:
I am blessed, I am called
I am healed, I am whole
I am saved in Jesus' name
Highly favored, anointed
Filled with Your power
For the glory of Jesus' name

Verse 3:
And should this life
Bring suffering
Lord, I will remember
What Calvary has bought for me
Both now and forever

God You're So Good Lyrics

God You're So Good Chords and Lyrics

Verse 1
Amazing love
That welcomes me
The kindness of mercy
That bought with blood, wholeheartedly
My soul undeserving

God, You're so good
God, You're so good
God, You're so good
You're so good to me

Verse 2
Behold the cross
Age to age
And hour by hour
The dead are raised, the sinner saved
The work of Your power

Bridge 1
I am blessed, I am called
I am healed, I am whole
I am saved in Jesus' name
Highly favored, anointed
Filled with Your power
For the glory of Jesus' name

Bridge 2
I am blessed, I am called
I am healed, I am whole
I am saved in Jesus' name
Highly favored, anointed
Filled with Your power
For the glory of Jesus' name

Verse 3
And should this life
Bring suffering
Lord, I will remember
What Calvary has bought for me
Both now and forever

God You're So Good Chords PDF

God You're So Good Bible Verses

Christian Song Chords and Lyrics
Christian Song Chords and Lyrics

Exodus 34:6 - "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth."

Ezra 3:11 - "And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord: For He is good, for His mercy endures forever toward Israel."

God You're So Good Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for always being there for me, even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for your unending love and grace. Thank you for being a good God who is always faithful.

I praise you for your goodness, and I thank you that I can always count on you. You are my rock and my strength, and I am so grateful that I can lean on you in times of need.

Thank you, God, for being my everything. I love you, Lord, and praise your holy name. Amen.

See also:

Editor in Chief

Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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