20 Fun Parables of Jesus Quiz

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How well do you know the Parables of Jesus? Test your knowledge with this parables of Jesus quiz! Jesus taught in parables to make his teachings more understandable.

The stories he told had a deeper meaning than what was on the surface. Many of his earliest followers did not know him as the Messiah, so he used parables to teach them about God’s Kingdom.

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Scriptures: Matthew 13

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The Parables of Jesus Quiz

Each question comes with four possible answer. Happy quizzing!

1. In the parable of the lost sheep, what did the shepherd do when he found his sheep?

a: He ran back to tell the others
b: He rejoiced
c: He started crying
d: He put it back where he found it

2. What does the parable of the talents teach us about using our gifts?

a: To use our gifts to serve others and glorify God
b: To use our gifts to do evil to others
c: To hide our gifts for fear of losing them
d: To use our gifts for our own selfish desires

3. What does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach us about loving our neighbor?

a: To show our love to only Christians
b: That money is the root of all evil
c: To be prepared for the coming of Christ
d: To show our love to everyone around us

4. In the parable of the talents, each servants was given a certain amount of talents based on what?

a: Their commitment
b: How smart they are
c: How long they had served
d: Their ability

5. In the parabel of the lost coin, "there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who __?"

a: Prophecy
b: Becomes rich
c: Repents
d: Sings

6. Which of these is not part of the parables of Jesus?

a: The prodigal son
b: The good samaritan
c: The ten virgins
d: The good farmer

7. In the parable of the lost son, when his father saw him, he was filled with __?

a: Anger
b: Emptiness
c: Resentment
d: Compassion

8. When the prodigal son returned the father gave him a robe, shoes and what other item?

a: Horse
b: Woman
c: Wine
d: Ring

9. In the parable of the sower, what did the seed that fell on the good soil represent?

a: Someone who hears the word and understands it
b: Someone who hears the word only for a short time
c: Someone who hears the word, but does not believe
d: Someone who hears the word, but worries too much

10. What is the seed in the parable of the sower?

a: A kingdom
b: A man
c: Believers
d: The word of God

11. What does the mustard seed represent in the parable?

a: A rich man
b: A poor man
c: The kingdom of heaven
d: Salvation

12. In the parables of Jesus, the kingdom of heaven is likened to the following except?

a: Yeast
b: Mustard seed
c: Church owner
d: Landowner

13. Which of these is the parables of Jesus?

a: The two daughters
b: The apple tree
c: The unforgiving servant
d: The earthly kingdom

14. Complete this sentence: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure ___ in a field."

a: Planted
b: Hidden
c: That grows
d: That is lost

15. In the parable of the good samaritan who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?

a: A lawyer
b: A priest
c: A tax collector
d: A Levite

16. In the parable of the good samaritan who helped the robbed and beaten man?

a: A priest
b: A levite
c: A samaritan
d: A noble

17. In the parable of the persistent widow, who is said to neither fear God nor care for his fellow man?

a: An unjust tax collector
b: An unjust lawyer
c: An unjust priest
d: An unjust judge

18. In the parable of the ten virgins, what happened to the five foolish virgins?

a: They went missing
b: They missed the wedding banquet
c: They were not allowed into the wedding banquet
d: They got thrown out of the wedding banquet

19. In the parable of the ten virgins, what did the foolish virgins forgot to take?

a: They forgot to take their shoes
b: They forgot to take their gifts
c: They forgot to take oil with them
d: They forgot to take their lamp

20. In the parable of the divided kingdom, "Jesus said: If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot ___?"

a: Be weak
b: Lack
c: Stand
d: Fall

The Parables of Jesus Quiz Answers

1: He rejoiced
2: To use our gifts to serve others and glorify God
3: To show our love to everyone around us
4: Their ability
5: Repents
6: The good farmer
7: Compassion
8: Ring
9: Someone who hears the word and understands it
10: The word of God
11: The kingdom of heaven
12: Church owner
13: The unforgiving servant
14: Hidden
15: A priest
16: A Samaritan
17: An unjust judge
18: They were not allowed into the wedding banquet
19: They forgot to take oil with them
20: Stand

The Parables of Jesus Quiz

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Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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