Darts Quiz Questions and Answers
How much do you know about the darts sport? We have some challenging darts quiz questions and answers for you to test your knowledge about this dart.
Darts is a game where players throw small darts at a circular target. The object of the game is to score points by hitting specific sections of the target.
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Darts Quiz Questions
1. In what year was the first Darts game played?
a: 1860s
b: 1990s
c: 1920s
d: 1910s
2. Which of the following is the highest governing body of the Darts game?
a: World Darts Champion
b: World Darts League
c: World Darts Federation
d: None of these
3. In what year did World Darts Federation formed?
a: 1974
b: 1970
c: 1965
d: 1960
4. What kind of wood is used to make championship dart boards?
a: Cedar
b: Oak
c: Maple
d: Elm
5. On the dartboard, how many distinct scoring areas are there?
a: 20
b: 44
c: 82
d: 78
6. How many players generally contest in Darts games?
a: 6
b: 4
c: 1
d: 2
7. Who won the Darts championships five times in the 1980s?
a: Andy Fordham
b: Eric Bristow
c: David Smith
d: John Marshal
8. Which of the following darts player is known as “The Crafty Cockney”?
a: David Smith
b: Andy Fordham
c: Eric Bristow
d: John Marshal
9. What was the nationality of the first Darts world Champion?
a: Welsh
b: England
c: Scotland
d: None of these
10. Darts flights were traditionally constructed from the feather of which bird?
a: Pheasant
b: Peacock
c: Turkey
d: None of these
11. Which of the following darts player is known as “The Viking”?
a: Andy Fordham
b: Eric Bristow
c: David Smith
d: John Marshal
12. The term “bed and breakfast” in a darts game refers to what score?
a: 24
b: 11
c: 26
d: 55
13. What are the highest darts scores from three different trebles?
a: 170
b: 160
c: 110
d: 120
14. In what year did the darts game banned in Glasgow?
a: 1949
b: 1955
c: 1970
d: 1939
15. What is the lowest Darts score that cannot be achieved with a single dart?
a: 23
b: 45
c: 66
d: 11
16. In what year did Wales win the first-ever World Cup of Darts?
a: 1977
b: 1966
c: 1955
d: 1944
17. Which dart double is referred to as the basement?
a: Double two
b: Double three
c: Double four
d: Double six
18. How far can you throw a dart during a game from the back of the throw line?
a: 12ft 20
b: 2ft 1
c: 3ft 5
d: 7ft 9
19. Which of the following is the lowest score for a darts game?
a: 2
b: 3
c: 4
d: 5
20. Which of the following number on a standard dartboard is directly opposite 1?
a: 8
b: 19
c: 12
d: 6
21. In a darts game, how much is the inner red bull’s eye worth?
a: 20 points
b: 25 points
c: 50 points
d: 10 points
22. Which of the following two words starts a darts match?
a: Game on
b: Game off
c: Gameplay
d: Game start
23. Who is the first non-European since John Part to ever win the World Darts Championship?
a: Boby George
b: Phil Taylor
c: Tony David
d: Ted Hankey
24. Which of the following darts player is referred to as “The Power”?
a: Peter Wright
b: Boby George
c: Ted Hankey
d: Phil Taylor
25. In 1997, who won both the World Championship and News of the World darts?
a: Michael Van Gerwen
b: Boby George
c: Ted Hankey
d: Phil Taylor
26. What is the highest possible checkout with three darts?
a: 100
b: 170
c: 120
d: 130
27. In a darts game, how much is the outer green bull’s eye worth?
a: 20 points
b: 25 points
c: 50 points
d: 10 points
28. Who won the darts world championship 2020?
a: Michael van Gerwen
b: Gerwyn Price
c: Peter Wright
d: Phil Taylor
29. Who is the first woman to beat a man at PDC world darts championship?
a: Lisa Ashton
b: Mikuru Suzuki
c: Beau Greaves
d: Fallon Sherrock
30. Which country won the darts world cup championship in 2012?
a: Australia
b: England
c: Netherlands
d: Scotland
Darts Quiz Answers

1. 1860s
2. World Darts Federation
3. 1974
4. Elm
5. 82
6. 2
7. Eric Bristow
8. Eric Bristow
9. Welsh
10. Turkey
11. Andy Fordham
12. 26
13. 170
14. 1939
15. 23
16. 1977
17. Double three
18. 7ft 9
19. 2
20. 19
21. 50 points
22. Game on
23. Tony David
24. Phil Taylor
25. Phil Taylor
26. 170
27. 25 points
28. Peter Wright
29. Fallon Sherrock
30. England
Darts Quiz Questions and Answers PDF
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