10 Jesus Calms The Storm Questions and Answers

Jesus Calms the Storm is a popular Bible story that is often used to teach children about the power of God. The story can be found in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 8 from verse 23.

In the story, Jesus and his disciples are traveling by boat when they are caught in a storm. The disciples are terrified, and they woke Jesus up to save them.

See also: Ascension of Jesus Quiz Questions and Answers

Jesus seeing how terrified they were questioned their faith and asked why they were so afraid. He then gets up and rebukes the wind and the waves, and the storm immediately dies down. The disciples are amazed at Jesus' power and they ask "What kind of man is this?".

This story teaches us that no matter what storms we face in life, we can always turn to Jesus for help and he will always be with us.

Table of Contents

Jesus Calms The Storm Questions

1. Whom did Jesus say "let us go across to the other side"?

a: The 5000 he fed with bread and fish
b: His mother and father
c: His disciples
d: The host of heaven

2. When Jesus and his disciples boarded the boat and set sail, what happened in the sea?

a: The earth shook causing a great tsunami
b: A windstorm arose, with the waves breaking over the boat
c: A great fire came down from heaven
d: The angels of God appeared to them

3. What was Jesus doing when the windstorm arose while they were in the boat?

a: Jesus was sleeping
b: Jesus was praying
c: Jesus was preaching to them
d: He was fishing with the disciples

4. What did Jesus say to calm the windstorm?

a: I am the I am
b: He just motioned his hands
c: Peace, be still
d: Storm be quiet

5. What did the disciples say to Jesus when they woke him up while in the windstorm?

a: If you are the son of God, command this storm to stop
b: They began singing hymns
c: Lord, forgive us of our sins
d: Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?

6. Who was on the boat with Jesus during the storm?

a: The Disciples
b: The Pharisees
c: The Sadducees
d: The Prophets

7. What did Jesus say to his disciples after he had rebuked the storm?

a: Why are you afraid? Where is your faith?
b: Why did you doubt me?
c: Why did you rebuke the devil?
d: Why do you look surprised?

8. What came upon the disciples after seeing Jesus calm the storm?

a: The Holy Spirit
b: Shame
c: Boldness
d: Great Fear

9. What did the disciples say after seeing Jesus calm the storm?

a: Are you the one who is to come?
b: They were shell shocked
c: Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?
d: Thou art worthy oh Lord to receive glory honour and power

10. How many times in the Bible did Jesus calm storms on the Sea of Galilee?

a: 2
b: 3
c: 4
d: 5

Jesus Calms The Storm Answers

1. His disciples - Mark 4:35
2. A windstorm arose, with the waves breaking over the boat - Mark 4:37
3. Jesus was sleeping - Mark 4:38
4. Peace, be still - Mark 4:39
5. Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? - Mark 4:38
6. The Disciples
7. Why are you afraid? Where is your faith? - Mark 4:40
8. Great Fear - Mark 4:41
9. Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? - Mark 4:41
10. 2 - Mark 4:39 & Mark 6:42-52

Jesus Calms The Storm PDF

See also: Ark Of The Covenant Quiz Questions and Answers

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Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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