16 Ascension of Jesus Quiz Questions and Answers
The ascension of Jesus is one of the most important events in Christianity, and it’s a confirmation of his second coming.
The significance of the ascension is that it marks the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry and his exaltation as Lord and Savior, and guarantees our own eventual resurrection and ascension into heaven.
Ascension of Jesus Quiz Questions
1. Jesus told his disciples that John baptized them with water, but He will baptize them with what?
a: Holy water
b: A crown of splendour
c: The Holy Spirit
d: Grace
2. The disciples gathered around Jesus and asked Him if He was going to restore the kingdom. Which kingdom were they referring to?
a: God
b: Jericho
c: Judah
d: Israel
3. Why did Jesus tell his disciple to wait in Jerusalem?
a: So they will receive instructions for the churches
b: So they will prepped to spread the good news
c: So they will receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit
d: So they will not be persecuted
4. What hid Jesus when he was taken up into heaven?
a: A cloud
b: A snow
c: A dark storm
d: Chariots of fire
5. Who appeared beside the disciples as they were watching Jesus taken up into the sky?
a: Moses and Elijah
b: Lucifer
c: An angel of the Lord
d: 2 men dressed in white
6. After his resurrection, how many days did Jesus appeared to his disciples before he was taken up into heaven?
a: 7 days
b: 28 days
c: 40 days
d: 24 hours
7. When the angels said to them that this same Jesus you see go up into heaven will come back in the same way. What did this message confirm?
a: That He is truly the son of God
b: The second coming of Jesus
c: That life is too short
d: That he his risen
8. On which mount did the ascension take place?
a: Jordan Valley
b: Mount Olives
c: Mount Bethel
d: Mount Horeb
9. How long did it take the apostles to walk back to Jerusalem from Mount of Olives?
a: A sabbath’s day walk
b: A Rishon’s day walk
c: A Shishi’s day walk
d: 10 days walk
10. Who stood up among the people and spoke concerning the scriptures on Judas?
a: Peter
b: Paul
c: Matthew
d: James
11. Before his ascension, Jesus appeared to the Eleven disciples while they were eating; he rebuked them. Why did he rebuke them?
a: Because they committed a grave sin
b: Because they lied
c: Because they did not follow his instruction
d: Because of their lack of faith
12. Jesus instructed his disciples to go into the world and do what?
a: Preach the gospel to the gentiles
b: Preach the gospel to all creation
c: Preach the gospel to the kings
d: Preach about wealth
13. Who eventually replaced Judas Iscariot as the twelfth disciple?
a: Matthias
b: Barabbas
c: Justus
d: Barthelemy
14. What words of comfort did Jesus tell his disciples when he said, “in this world you will have trouble?”
a: Be careful of the friends you keep
b: No weapon formed against shall touch you
c: Take heart for I have overcome the world
d: Watch out and listen to my voice
15. Where in the bible does it say he who believes and is baptized will be saved.
a: Mark 16:16
b: Genesis 16:16
c: Songs of Solomon 16:16
d: Proverbs 16:16
16. When Jesus was taken up into heaven, where was he seated?
a: On the left hand of the Father
b: Among the 24 elders
c: With the souls already in heaven
d: On the right hand of God the Father
Ascension of Jesus Quiz Answers

1. The Holy Spirit – Acts 1:5
2. Israel – Acts 1:6
3. So they will receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:4
4. A cloud – Acts 1:9
5. 2 men dressed in white – Acts 1:10
6. 40 days – Acts 1:3
7. The second coming of Jesus – Acts 1:11
8. Mount Olives – Acts 1:12
9. A sabbath’s day walk – Acts 1:12
10. Peter – Matthew 1:15
11. Because of their lack of faith – Mark 16:14
12. Preach the gospel to all creation – Mark 16:15
13. Matthias – Acts 1:26
14. Take heart for I have overcome the world – John 16:33
15. Mark 16:16
16. On the right hand of God the Father – Mark 16:19
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