20 Fun The Good Samaritan Quiz

Table of contents

The Good Samaritan is a story from the Bible that tells of a man who was robbed and left for dead. A Samaritan, seeing the man, took him to an inn and paid for his care.

Jesus told the story to illustrate the importance of helping others, even if they are strangers.

The Good Samaritan Quiz – How much do you know about the story of the Good Samaritan? Take this quiz to find out!

Scripture: Luke 10:30-37

See also: Crossword Puzzle: Noah’s Ark Puzzle Game, Crossword Puzzle: Cain and Abel Story, Top 10 Hardest Riddles in the World with Answers.

The Good Samaritan Quiz

the good Samaritan quiz

Q1: In the parable of the good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?

a: A Levite
b: A tax collector
c: A priest
d: A lawyer

Q2: In the parable of the good Samaritan, who helped the robbed and beaten man?

a: A Samaritan
b: A noble
c: A priest
d: A Levite

Q3: What does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach us about loving our neighbor?

a: To be prepared for the coming of Christ
b: To show our love to only Christians
c: That money is the root of all evil
d: To show our love to everyone around us

Q4: Where was the traveler coming from in the story the good Samaritan?

a: Sodom
b: Jericho
c: Jerusalem
d: Syria

Q5: Where was the traveler going to in the story the good Samaritan?

a: Sodom
b: Jericho
c: Jerusalem
d: Syria

Q6: Where did the Samaritan take him upon his animal?

a: An inn
b: His house
c: A hotel
d: A manger

Q7: Who was the second person to see the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

a: A Doctor
b: A Priest
c: A Levite
d: A Samaritan

Q8: Why did the Good Samaritan help the man who was robbed?

a: He was a doctor
b: He was a friend
c: He took pity on him
d: He was his brother

Q9: How much did the Good Samaritan give the innkeeper?

a: He gave nothing
b: Five denarii
c: One denarii
d: Two denarii

Q10: Which of the following was NOT true of the Good Samaritan?

a: He was from Samaria
b: He was a Jew
c: He paid for the mans treatment
d: He put the injured man on his donkey

Q11: What first aid did the Samaritan give to the wounded man?

a: He massaged the mans wounds
b: He gave him beer to cool his temper
c: He bandaged the mans wounds, pouring on oil and wine
d: He gave him a CPR

Q12: Who was the true neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?

a: The Samaritan
b: The robbers
c: The Levite
d: The priest

Q13: Why was it a surprise to see a Samaritan helping a Jew?

a: It was not a surprise
b: In those days, Jews and Samaritans used to fight each other
c: In those days, Samaritans hated Jews
d: In those days, Jews refused to have anything to do with Samaritans

Q14: What was the result of the Good Samaritan’s actions?

a: The man he help did not appreciate a Samaritan helping him
b: The man he helped accused him of robbing him
c: The man he helped recovered
d: The man he helped died from his injuries

Q15: Which of these characters is not in the parable of the good Samaritan?

a: The Levite
b: The priest
c: The Samaritan
d: The prophet

Q16: What did the Levite do when he saw the wounded man?

a: He prayed for him
b: The walked pass the man on the other side
c: He laughed at him
d: He carried him to an inn

Q17: How does the good Samaritan relate to life today?

a: To have compassion and help those in need
b: To help with expectation of receiving back
c: To pay back evil with evil
d: To hate those who hate you

Q18: The parable of the good Samaritan is found in which book?

a: Acts
b: Luke
c: Matthew
d: Romans

Q19: Who was the third person to see the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

a: A Doctor
b: A Priest
c: A Levite
d: A Samaritan

Q20: Fill in the blank: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your __ as yourself.”

a: wife
b: husband
c: Children
d: neighbor

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Answers

Q1: A priest
Q2: A Samaritan
Q3: To show our love to everyone around us
Q4: Jerusalem
Q5: Jericho
Q6: An inn
Q7: A Levite
Q8: He took pity on him
Q9: Two denarii
Q10: He was a Jew
Q11: He bandaged the mans wounds, pouring on oil and wine
Q12: The Samaritan
Q13: In those days, Jews refused to have anything to do with Samaritans
Q14: The man he helped recovered
Q15: The prophet
Q16: The walked pass the man on the other side
Q17: To have compassion and help those in need
Q18: Luke
Q19: A Samaritan
Q20: Neighbor

The Good Samaritan Story

One day, a man was walking down the road when he was attacked by robbers. They took his money and left him badly injured. A priest happened to be walking down the same road, but when he saw the man, he crossed to the other side of the road and continued on his way. A Levite also came by, but he did the same thing as the priest.

Finally, a Samaritan came along. He was moved by compassion when he saw the man lying there helpless, so he stopped to help him. He bandaged his wounds and took him to an inn where he could rest and recover. The Samaritan even paid for the man’s stay at the inn. This story teaches us that we should always help those in need, regardless of whether or not they are like us.

The good Samaritan short story pdf

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