16 Fun Prodigal Son Questions and Answers

Table of contents

The parable of the prodigal son is a story about a young man who asks his father for his inheritance early and then leaves home. The young man squanders all of his money on wine, women and is reduced to begging for food.

He finally returns home, expecting to be treated as a servant, but instead his father welcomes him with open arms and throws a feast in his honor.

How much do you know about the story of the Prodigal son? Take this prodigal son questions quiz to find out!

See also: The Good Samaritan Quiz, Sermon on the Mount Questions and Answers, Brain Teasers Questions and Answers.

Table of Contents

The Parable of the Prodigal Son Questions

Q1: In which book of the Bible can we find the story of the Prodigal son?

a: Matthew
b: Mark
c: Luke
d: John

Q2: How many sons did the man in the prodigal son story have?

a: 3
b: 4
c: 2
d: 5

Q3: Which of the man's children in the prodigal son asked for his share of the inheritance?

a: The older one
b: The younger one
c: None of them
d: Both of them

Q4: What did the younger son decide to do after his father gave him his share of the inheritance?

a: He went about his business
b: He bought a house
c: He travelled with it to another country
d: He shared it with his brother

Q5: What happened to the wealth of the prodigal son in the country he travelled to?

a: He multiplied it
b: He saved it
c: He donated it for good course
d: He squandered it

Q6: What happened in the country after the son had wasted his money on wild living?

a: There was famine
b: There was flood
c: There was outbreak of decease
d: There was an invasion

Q7: After he was left with money, what job did the prodigal son end up doing?

a: Farmer
b: Shepherd boy
c: Chicken rearing
d: Pig feeding

Q8: What did the prodigal son have to eat?

a: The pods that the pigs were eating
b: The grain that the pigs were eating
c: The leaven bread the pigs were eating
d: The fruits the pigs were eating

Q9: What did the prodigal son say to his father after returning back home?

a: Father, I am broke and need more money
b: Father, I was robbed of all the money you gave to me
c: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you
d: Father, I met great people on my trip

Q10: Which of these was NOT the actions of the father upon seeing his long lost son?

a: Ran to his son
b: Threw his arm around him
c: Tore his cloths
d: Kissed him

Q11: Which of these item did the father NOT give to the prodigal son?

a: Ring
b: Robe
c: Sandals
d: Crown

Q12: What animal was killed for food when the prodigal son returned home?

a: Fattened calf
b: Fattened goat
c: Fattened lamp
d: Fattened sheep

Q13: Where was the older son when the prodigal son returned home?

a: He was sleeping
b: In another land
c: In a neighbors house
d: At work in the fields

Q14: Who was not happy with the coming back of the prodigal son?

a: The servants
b: The mother
c: The older brother
d: The neighbors

Q15: Why did the elder son get angry with his father after his brother came home?

a: His father handed over the inheritance to the prodigal son
b: He was not invited for the celebration
c: He was never given a young goat to celebrate with his friends
d: His father disowned him

Q16: What was the father's message to the older son?

a: You have a lot learn my son
b: You need to work harder my son
c: Act like a grown up son
d: Everything I have is yours

The Parable of the Prodigal Son Answers

Prodigal Son Questions and Answer

Q1: This can be found in the book of Luke 15:11-32

Q2: The man had 2 sons

Q3: The younger one

Q4: He travelled with it to another country

Q5: He squandered it

Q6: There was famine

Q7: Pig feeding

Q8: The pods that the pigs were eating

Q9: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

Q10: Tore his cloths

Q11: Crown

Q12: Fattened calf

Q13: At work in the fields

Q14: The older brother

Q15: He was never given a young goat to celebrate with his friends

Q16: Everything I have is yours

Bonus Questions for the Prodigal Son

1. Who was the prodigal son?

Answer: The prodigal son was a man who left his father's house to live a life of sin. He squandered his inheritance and ended up penniless and begging for food.

2. Why did the prodigal son leave his father's house?

Answer: The prodigal son left his father's house to live a life of sin. He wanted to experience all that life had to offer, without having to obey his father's rules.

3. What happened to the prodigal son when he ran out of money?

Answer: The prodigal son ran out of money and ended up working in a farm to survive. He eventually realized that he had made a mistake and returned home to his father.

4. What did the father do when the prodigal son returned home?

Answer: The father welcomed the prodigal son back with open arms. He was forgiving and loving, and gave his son another chance.

Editor in Chief

Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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