Powerful Prayers About Love
In this post, we will be looking at some powerful prayers about love, and how we should pray for love for various needs. Love is the centre of prayer and the motivation for our prayers.
The Bible tells us how important it is to pray. It says, “We should pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). That means that God is always listening to our prayers, no matter the time or place.
We often have mixed motives for what we ask from God – some selfish, some selfless – but when we pray about love, we come before God with a pure heart and a sincere desire to know and do His will.

Prayers About Love
The prayers listed below all focus on our love for God and others, and they include many of the traditional elements that we find in most good prayers: praise, thanksgiving, confession, petition.
Prayer for Love and Happiness
Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me the gift of love and happiness. Thank you for showing me how to love and for filling my heart with your love today. I don’t want to do anything except what pleases you. Please help me to be thankful and content even in times when I am not happy.
Your word says in Romans 8:39 that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Help me to share the love of Christ with everyone, especially those who are lonely heart, hurting, undergoing a healing process, or in need. Thank you for loving me more than I can ever imagine. I give all my love to you and to the people around me.
I pray that everyone would become a friend of Jesus because he is such a wonderful friend of mine! This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for Strength to Love Others
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise and thank you for the many ways in which you have blessed my life and for your divine protection.
I come to you now in prayer with a grateful heart, asking that you will strengthen my love for those around me. Please give me the strength to reach out to those who are hurting or lonely. I choose not to worry about tomorrow but instead speak words of hope into people’s lives today. I pray that you grant them peace and let your grace shine upon them.
Thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus, so that we can be strong in our love for one another and you! This I ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Prayer for Love and Marriage
Lord, God almighty, you are the author of love and marriage. Help me to be open to Your perfect will for my life. May my desires be pure and noble, not selfish or sinful. Help me know that You want what is best for me, even if I may not understand or recognize that moment. May I seek true happiness, joy, and fulfillment for this marriage – not simply in my own will, but Yours.
Help me to build a truly Christian marriage that honors You and is lived out of a deep love for You. Show me the person that You have planned for me to marry, and give us both the courage and commitment to make a life together as Your children.
Empower us to serve and love one another, bringing joy and happiness into the world through our marriage. Draw us closer together in true Christian love, and may we shine as a light of Your love for all the world to see.
Thank You, God, for Your unconditional love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer For Love and Compassion
Lord, I come to you with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. Help me to love my family members with greater compassion and understanding. Please forgive me for any sins of selfishness or hatred I have committed toward others. Make me more aware of the needs around me so that I can interact with these people in a way that honors you.
Lord, Help me to see the good in everyone, even those who seem different from me. Help me to always speak with kindness and love, never lashing out in anger or frustration. Thank you for hearing my prayers, and may this be a day of encouragement and consolation for myself and all of my family members! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer About Love of God
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today in humble prayer. Thank You for Your love which drew me to Yourself. Thank You for choosing me before the foundation of the world to be one of Yours. Thank You for loving me so much that you sent Your only Son into the world to die for my sins.
Lord Jesus, I am nothing without You. Teach me how to love others more as I turn to Your Holy Spirit for guidance. Teach me how to forgive others as You forgave me.
Help me to see the people around me through Your eyes, and make my heart like unto Yours. Help me to love others with a self-sacrificing love that is not easily offended or angered. Teach me to honor You in all things, and thank You for all that You do.
Help me to walk in Your ways, O Lord, so that I might please You in everything I say or think or do. May my heart be fixed on You alone, the true source of love and life and happiness.
Prayer About Love for Neighbor (Luke 10:25-37)
Dear Lord, I thank You for loving me before I even knew to ask or seek Your face. Thank You for loving me with everlasting love and giving me eternal life. Help me to show that same love to my neighbor as You have shown unto me.
Help me to see those around me through Your loving eyes. Help me Lord, to love others sacrificially every day, just as You loved me through the death of Your Son on the cross. Give Me wisdom and discernment about how best to love the people whom I come into contact with daily – friends, family members, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers – so that they might be drawn into a deeper relationship with You.
Thank you Father for answered prayer, Amen.
Prayer Of Love For One Who Hurt You
Heavenly Father, I come to You this morning with a heart filled with gratitude. Thank You for loving me so perfectly and demonstrating that love on the cross, where Your Son died in my place.
Help me Lord, to love those who may have offended me. Help me not to become easily angered, but to be quick to forgive others as You have forgiven me of so many things. Remind me that everyone is fighting a hard battle, and help me to treat them with kindness, gentleness, and respect.
Give me strength Lord, to be patient with those I live or work with; to speak encouraging words; to turn away from evil thoughts, to do good things, and to live a Christian life that is pleasing to you.
I praise your holy name, Amen.
More Prayers For Love
Prayer for Love for Future Spouse
Lord Jesus, I come to You this day with a grateful heart. Thank you for loving me so perfectly and demonstrating Your love on the cross, where You died in my place.
Help me to remain pure physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually until the time when I will meet that special someone whom You have prepared just for me.
Give me the strength to remain patient and wait on you Lord for the right time and the right person. Help me to have my heart ready for when You bring that person into my life so that I can love them with Your perfect love.
You are my Lord and Savior, You are my best friend and dearest lover. Thank you for answered prayer, Amen.
Prayer For Love And Respect For My Spouse
Heavenly Father, thank You for joining me together in holy matrimony with the man I cherish so deeply. Help me to love and honor him today through all of my words and actions when he is happy and when he is discouraged. Give me the strength to resist being critical or disrespectful, even when I disagree with him.
I pray for wisdom in everything we do and help us to always seek Your guidance and follow Your ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer For Love And Respect For My Children
Holy God, I commit my Children to You and ask that You bless them. You are in them and around them to love and guide them in every moment of their life. Thank you for loving me enough to entrust these precious souls into my care.
Thank You for giving me the strength I need each day to be the mother they need. Thank You for teaching me how to raise and respect my children in a way that You would be pleased to look down on them and smile.
Thank you, Lord, for showering my home with peace, real love, grace, and hope. Amen.
Prayer to Love My Enemies
Dear Father, on this day, I pray that you extend your love towards those who have hurt me. Lord, I know now that you are always with me, even when I am at my worst. You are always there, waiting for me to return to you.
Thank you, Father, for teaching me how to love everyone around me, even those who may be cold or indifferent towards me.
Lord, help me not to hate or hold a grudge against anyone no matter what they have done to me. Teach me to be kind, gentle, and humble towards everyone I meet today.
Help me, Lord, to seek Your face every morning for wisdom and guidance about how best to love my enemies, so you may be pleased with me.
Thank you for your answered prayers, Amen.
Prayer To Love My Wife
Dear God, I thank you for giving me this wonderful woman as my wife and soul mate. I pray that You would strengthen our bond of love daily through your Holy Spirit, who lives within each of us, binding us together as one family.
Thank you, Jesus, for the joy she brings me and for her passionate love. Please help me to honor her today by speaking kind words like “I love you” and “You are beautiful” every day. Guide me to be patient and loving towards her, even when she is experiencing difficult emotions.
Please help us both to put each other above ourselves in every aspect of our lives together. May we always seek Your guidance in all that we do today and love one another deeply through the power of your Holy Spirit, who dwells within us both.
Prayer Of Love To Help Those In Need
Dear Lord, I pray that you feel me with that same Christ’s love to help those in need. I pray that you would cover me with Your love so that, for just for a moment, I might be able to see through eyes of compassion and empathy.
Help me not to only look to my own interests, but also to the needs of my brothers and sisters. Help me to come along side them and offer them comfort, friendship, and hope in Your name.
Even when I am not able to help them financially or physically, help me today to hold space for those who are hurting and remind them that they are never alone because You carry each one of us through every moment of life’s journey with love and compassion.
See also: Prayers Against Evil