Looney Tunes Trivia Questions and Answers

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Looney Tunes Trivia is a fun way to test your knowledge on the classic cartoon series. Questions range from trivia about the characters, and their catchphrases.

Looney Tunes is great for both kids and adults alike as it is not only entertaining but also educational in terms of learning about the show and its history.

Some questions can be easy while others may require some research, so it’s perfect for any level of knowledge. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just getting started with Looney Tunes, this trivia game will have something for everyone!

See also A Charlie Brown Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers, and Disney Trivia Questions and Answers.

Table of Contents

Looney Tunes Trivia Questions and Answers

1. What is the name of the character that is always chasing Bugs Bunny?

Answer: The character that is always chasing Bugs Bunny is Elmer Fudd.

2. What is the full name of the Looney Tunes character Daffy Duck?

Answer: Daffy Duck's real name is Daffy Dumas Duck.

3. Who is the main character in the Looney Tunes series?

Answer: The main character in the Looney Tunes series is Bugs Bunny.

4. Who is the arrogant and puffed-up rooster in the Looney Tunes series?

Answer: The arrogant and puffed-up rooster in the Looney Tunes series is Foghorn Leghorn.

5. Foghorn Leghorn often tries to mentor a younger rooster. What is the name of this younger rooster?

Answer: Egghead Jr.

6. Tweety the bird is known as what kind of bird?

Answer: Tweety is known to be a canary.

7. The first series of Looney Tunes was released in?

Answer: 1930

8. Who is the arch-nemesis of Daffy Duck?

Answer: Daffy Duck's arch-nemesis is Yosemite Sam.

9. Who is the arch-nemesis of Tweety Bird?

Answer: Tweety Bird's arch-nemesis is Sylvester the Cat.

10. What is the real name of the Looney Tunes character Tweety Bird?

Answer: Tweety Bird's real name is Tweety Pie.

11. Who is the slowest character in Looney Tune?

Answer: Slowpoke Rodriguez

Looney Tunes Characters Catchphrases

12. What is the name of Porky Pig's catchphrase?

Answer: The catchphrase of Porky Pig, a character in the Looney Tunes series, is "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!" This catchphrase is often used to close an episode or a film in the Looney Tunes series and has become one of the most iconic and recognizable catchphrases in popular culture.

13. What is the name of Bugs Bunny's catchphrase?

Answer: Bugs Bunny's catchphrase is "What's up, Doc?" This catchphrase is often used by Bugs Bunny to greet his opponents or to respond to a question or comment, and it has become one of the most recognizable and enduring catchphrases in popular culture.

14. What is the name of Elmer Fudd's catchphrase?

Answer: Elmer Fudd's catchphrase is "Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits!" This catchphrase is often used by Elmer Fudd when he is trying to sneak up on Bugs Bunny or other characters in an attempt to catch or hunt them.

15. What is the name of Sylvester The Cat's catchphrase?

Answer: Sylvester The Cat's catchphrase is "Sufferin' succotash!" This catchphrase is often used by Sylvester to express frustration or annoyance, and it has become one of the most recognizable and enduring catchphrases associated with his character.

16. What is the name of Tweety Bird's catchphrase?

Answer: Tweety Bird's catchphrase is "I tawt I taw a puddy tat!" This phrase is often used by Tweety Bird to express surprise or excitement, usually when he has spotted his arch-nemesis Sylvester the Cat.

17. What is the name of Daffy Duck's catchphrase?

Answer: Daffy Duck's catchphrase is "You're dethpicable!" This phrase is often used by Daffy Duck to express frustration or annoyance, usually directed at someone who has done something wrong or offensive.

18. What is the name of Tom's catchphrase?

Answer: Tom's catchphrase is "Here I come to save the day!" This phrase is often used by Tom when he is trying to catch Jerry Mouse or when he is engaged in other mischief.

19. What is the name of Road Runner's catchphrase?

Answer: Road Runner's catchphrase is "Meep, meep!" This phrase is often used by Road Runner to communicate with other characters, usually to convey that he is in a hurry or to mock his arch-nemesis Wile E. Coyote.

20. What is the name of Pepe Le Pew's catchphrase?

Answer: Pepe Le Pew's catchphrase is "I am Pepé Le Pew, your lover!" This phrase is often used by Pepe Le Pew to introduce himself or to express his belief in his own romantic prowess.

What is the name of the Looney Tunes character

Looney Tunes Trivia Questions and Answers
Warner Bros.

21. What is the name of the iconic Looney Tunes character that is a willie, brown, and mischievous rabbit?

Answer: Bugs Bunny

22. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a shy, yellow-feathered bird with a lisp?

Answer: Tweety

23. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a black and white cat who is always chasing after the speedy Road Runner?

Answer: Sylvester Pussycat, Sr.

24. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a lisping, young black duck?

Answer: Daffy Duck

25. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a green and intelligent alien from the planet Mars?

Answer: Marvin the Martian

26. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a small, pink, and loveable pig?

Answer: Porky Pig

27. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is portrayed as the fastest mouse?

Answer: Speedy Gonzales

28. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is owned Tweety?

Answer: Emma Webster, best known as Granny

29. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is red hair with yellow beak?

Answer: Foghorn Leghorn

30. What is the name of the Looney Tunes character that is a French striped skunk?

Answer: Pepé Le Pew

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Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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