21 Powerful Prayers For Women
In this post, we will be sharing with you some powerful prayers for women. Whether you are going through a difficult time, or you are simply seeking God’s guidance and blessings, we hope that these prayers will inspire and encourage you.
As women, we face many challenges in our lives, and it’s often helpful to have prayers that specifically address the unique struggles we experience.
Remember that God loves you and is always there to help you through your struggles. Whether you are a woman of faith or not, prayer is a powerful weapon against your struggles.
If you need some inspiration, check out these prayers for women that will uplift and encourage you. Each prayer is written from the heart and will speak to your soul.
Prayers For Women

A Prayer of Strength and Courage
Lord, I am weak and frightened by many things. Give me the strength to face them with courage. I ask that You help me stand my ground against those who seek to harm my body or soul. Enable my mind and hands to work with skills you have given me.
Give me the wisdom to know what is right and just, and also the courage to carry out Your will without question or hesitation. I ask all of these in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
A Prayer To Be A Good Wife
Dear Lord, I come to You asking for your guidance in my marriage. Help me understand what it means to be a good wife. Teach me how to see the best in my husband so our marriage can grow stronger each day.
Help me to be patient and forgiving, especially when he doesn’t share my goals or his expectations are different from mine.
I pray for the ability to talk things through with him in a calm manner that would bring about positive change. Bring us closer together so our marriage will continue to flourish.
Thank You, Lord, for answering my prayer, Amen!
A Prayer of Peace After a Hard Day
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for keeping me safe through another day. Open my mind so that I may understand any message You have sent me through today’s events.
Give me peace in knowing that I can trust You to guide my way and show me what to do when I feel lost or overwhelmed by fear or anxiety.
Thank You for keeping me safe and providing all that I need. Thank You for loving me unconditionally, Amen!
Prayer of Forgiveness to Myself and Others
Heavenly Father, You have taught me that I should forgive all who have wronged me, so I ask for Your guidance in developing a forgiving heart towards myself and others. Help me to grow closer to You through this journey of forgiveness.
Help me see the situation from a new perspective so that I may make a wiser decision. I trust in Your infinite love for me and know that if my heart is steadfast with love then my mind will be clear with wisdom when making such an important decision or carrying out such an important task.
Father, direct my feet along the path of peace; and help me speak words of love, kindness, and empathy towards myself and others. Amen!
Prayer For Strength to Endure Everyday Life
Dear Lord, today I face another day and the challenges that come with it. Please give me the strength to endure and be victorious over these challenges. Please help me to withstand any temptation that would lead me astray from my goals and principles.
Help me to realize that no matter how difficult it gets, You are always there helping me get through tough times. Show me Your purpose for today and help me focus on it to the fullest. Show me the path I should take today and help me walk in it.
I pray that I will be able to enjoy today’s journey and everything You have in store for me; give me the patience to allow You to take me from where I am to where I am supposed to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Encouraging Prayers For Women

A Prayer for a Mother’s Unending Love
Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me with a family. Thank You for filling our lives with love and happiness each day. I ask that You bless all of us here today so we may have the strength to face tomorrow.
Please bless my children and my husband during their times of study and also when they’re playing; protect them from evil, harm, and danger; increase their knowledge; heal them when they are sick, and keep them safe when they are traveling.
Please help me to continue to love them unconditionally and to be an example of faith, hope, and love to them and to those around me. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!
A Prayer for Guidance in Making Important Decisions
Dear Lord, please guide me so that I may make wise choices in life. Help me to focus my attention on what You have planned for me so I may continue to follow in Your footsteps.
Help me, Lord, not to make any costly mistakes that would lead me away from You. Let every decision I make be in accordance with Your will. Help me to realize that no matter how difficult it gets, You are always there helping me get through it. Amen
Prayer For a Virtuous Woman
Dear Lord, I am thankful for all the blessings that You have given me. Please help me to be a better person by following Your ways and helping those around me follow You as well.
Your word says in Proverbs 31:10; “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Please help me to be a virtuous woman and to live my life in such a way that I can be an inspiration for others.
Help me to be patient and understanding, to be strong and persevere; help me to love those around me as I love myself; help my words to convey love, joy, peace, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Help me to live my life in a way that brings You honor and glory. Help me to run my race with endurance so I may finish strong. Thank You for hearing my prayer, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Negative Influences
Lord, I pray that You will bring people into my life to encourage me to follow Your ways and keep me on the path of righteousness so I may be a good influence on others around me.
I pray that those with whom I come in contact daily will see You in me, in my actions and words. I pray that You will surround me with people who will love me unconditionally and help to build up my inner spirit.
Help me, Lord, to overcome negative influences that would pull me away from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Strength in the Face of Adversity
Heavenly Father, I thank You for all that you have done in my life. Please help me to be strong, courageous, and brave during times of adversity so I may remain loyal to You.
Please surround me with people who will support me and uplift me; people who will encourage me to continue to stand strong.
Help me to remember that You are always with me no matter how tough it gets. I ask that You will give me the strength to overcome all adversities.
Help me to remain focused on You during times of trouble, and help me to rely on Your strength rather than mine. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Daily Inspirational Prayers For Women

Prayer for Protection Against Harm or Evil
Dear Lord, please protect me and those I love from any evil or harm that may come our way. I pray that You will surround me and my loved ones with Your angels so no harm will befall us.
I pray that You will give me the strength to continue to walk in Your ways and follow Your commandments. Help me to put my trust in You completely so that I will not waver.
Please help us to find rest in You during difficult times; help us not to get weary or lose hope. Help us always to remember that You are our rock and strong tower, and our very present help in times of trouble.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Joy in the Heart of Every Girl
Dear Lord, I pray that every girl will know that You love her and want to be closer to her all the days of her life. Please help me to be an encouragement to every girl, especially those who are lonely or without friends.
Please help us to see ourselves as beautiful in Your eyes; help us not to compare ourselves with others but focus on being true to ourselves.
Bless us with confidence and give us hope for a future where we may be a positive influence in this world. Please help us to know that we are never alone because You are with us every step of the way! Amen.
Prayer for a Mother’s Care
Oh Lord, my heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving as I come to You this day. Please help me to be a better, stronger mother for my little ones so they may see Your grace in my action every day.
I pray that the love I have for my children will grow deeper and stronger by the power of Your Spirit within me. Help me to know that I’m not perfect, but I desire to be the best mother for them that I possibly can!
Lord, help me to love when it’s difficult; to discipline in Your ways when needed, and to keep my heart tender toward them in all things. Please show me how to set a good example through every choice I make; whether in word or action.
And help me to pray for them continually and stay close to You no matter what happens, for this I ask in faith and with great humility and thanksgiving.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Prayer For Single Ladies
Father, please help me to be content as a single woman and never allow my heart to wander. I know that one day I may meet the man You have chosen for me and who will treat me as Your daughter deserves.
For now, I ask for patience in living according to Your will, honor in my relationships with family and friends, and wisdom in the choices I make. Please bless me with happiness during this time of waiting. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Prayer for a Women’s Kindred Spirit
Lord, help me to find true friendships that will last through the years. Please bless my relationships so they may be filled with genuine love, trust, and respect.
Help me to be a good friend so I may receive the same in return. Please bless my relationships with patience and kindness because true friendship takes time to blossom. Amen.
Prayers That Avail Much For Women

Prayer For a Young Woman’s Heart
Heavenly Father, I pray that every young woman may be blessed with self-confidence and inner beauty. Please watch over her as she goes through life with kindness, patience, and faith in You. Amen!
Prayer for Bravery and Strength of Character
Dear Lord, please help me be strong and brave in my actions. Please give me the courage to speak up when I know something is wrong; whether it’s with a friend or stranger, let me have the strength to take a stand for what is good and true.
Please give me the confidence to do what needs to be done instead of wishing it were easier; help me to walk tall and stand firm.
Bless me with tenacity, protect my heart from evil, and surround me with friends who will support me in living life the way You intended. Thank you for all You do! Amen!
Prayer for A Strong Mind
Dear Lord, help me to choose what is right, true, and best instead of giving in to the pressures of this world. Please give me the wisdom and sense of mind to think things through on my own.
Please bless me with a strong mind that will allow me to make good choices. Bless me with a willingness to learn, and please help me take responsibility for my actions.
Help me not to be fearful of the future but to lean on You for all things. Help me grow in knowledge and understanding so I may discern between good and evil. Give me clarity in all things! Amen!
A Praying Mother

Prayer for My Daughter
Father God, thank you for my daughter. Please bless her with happiness and give her the strength to face the obstacles in life with fortitude and strength of character. Please guide her through all the decisions she makes and help her to be the best she can be. Thank you for placing Your love in her heart. Amen!
Prayer for My Son
Dear Lord, I pray that You will bless my son with happiness and give him all the strength he needs to face life’s challenges. Please guide him through every decision he makes and give him wisdom beyond his years.
Please help him to grow in knowledge and understanding, to discern between evil and good; wisdom that comes from You. Bless him with true friends who will love him unconditionally.
Help my son understand the decisions he makes now will impact his future one day. Thank You, Lord, for I know You will grant him the best in life as he draws nearer to you each day. Amen!
Prayer For Children In The World
Dear Heavenly Father, please bless all the children in the world with love and understanding. Please make them aware of Your presence and give them hope for a bright future ahead. Amen!
We hope that you have been blessed by this collection of powerful prayers for women. Don’t forget to checkout our blog section for the latest frequently asked bible questions and quizzes.
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