100 Space Quiz Questions and Answers

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The universe is a vast and intriguing subject that has fascinated humans for centuries. With its vastness and complexity, the universe has always been a topic of scientific and philosophical debate.

Why not explore the mysteries and wonders of God's creation with our space quiz questions and answers. Test your knowledge of planets, stars, galaxies, and other fascinating space discoveries.

For more interesting quiz about the universe, see also Geography Trivia Quiz.

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Easy Space Quiz Questions and Answers

Space Quiz Questions and Answers

Who created the heavens and the earth and all the planets and heavenly bodies?

Answer: God

What causes the moon to shine?

Answer: Reflection from the sunlight

What planet in our solar system has the most gravity?

Answer: Jupiter

What planet is circled by two moons?

Answer: Mars

What planet is closest in size to Earth?

Answer: Venus

What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?

Answer: Jupiter

Which constellation are the stars Castor and Pollux in?

Answer: Gemini

What was the first planet discovered with the aid of a telescope?

Answer: Uranus

Where is the Olympus mons present?

Answer: Mars

What is the strongest magnet in the universe?

Answer: Magnetars

What is the sun known as?

Answer: A star

The Earth is estimated to be how old?

Answer: No one knows as its not mentioned in the Bible but according to scientist the earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old

Which planet orbits the Sun four times in the time it takes the Earth to go around once?

Answer: Mercury

What type of force bends light rays travelling through the universe?

Answer: Gravity

What is the seventh planet from the Sun?

Answer: Uranus

Between which two planets does the asteroid belt lie?

Answer: Jupiter and Mars

Ganymede is a moon of which planet?

Answer: Jupiter

Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?

Answer: Mars

What is the estimated temperature at the surface of the Sun?

Answer: 5,800 K (5,530 C)

What is an EVA to an astronaut?

Answer: Extravehicular activity

How many planets have been discovered so far in the solar system?

Answer: Nine

What does Earth do that causes night and day?

Answer: Rotates

Which moon is the largest in the solar system?

Answer: Ganymede

Space Pub Quiz Questions and Answers

What is the distance between the moon and earth?

Answer: 238,900 miles

What is the earth’s primary source of energy?

Answer: The sun

Which planet in the solar system is usually the furthest from the Sun, but sometimes is not?

Answer: Pluto

What is the name of the brightest comet in the solar system?

Answer: Halley's comet

Which planet is estimated to take almost 30 Earth years to orbit the sun?

Answer: Saturn

What is the name of the first man to enter space?

Answer: Yuri Gagarin

Who was the 2nd human in space?

Answer: Alan Shepard

Who was the first Cambridge professor of radio astronomy?

Answer: Martin Ryle

Who is the first woman in space?

Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

Which two planets in the solar system takes less time than Earth to orbit the sun?

Answer: Mercury and Venus

Who accidentally discovered Uranus?

Answer: William Herschel

What did Edmond Halley discover?

Answer: Halley's Comet

What known planet has the longest day?

Answer: Venus - A day on Venus is like over a year on Earth

Which planet is the densest planet in the solar system?

Answer: Earth

Which planet has the longest period of revolution

Answer: Neptune

Which planet is known as Earth twins?

Answer: Venus

Which planet is the least densest planet in the solar system?

Answer: Saturn

Which planet is called the red planet?

Answer: Mars

Which planet is known to have the Great Red Spot?

Answer: Jupiter

Which is the smallest planet in the solar system now?

Answer: Mercury

What is the star that explodes in a supernova called?

Answer: The Progenitor

Where is the Palomar telescope located?

Answer: Mount Palomar, San Diego, California

On which planet is covered by clouds of sulphuric acid?

Answer: Venus

Which planet in the solar system is closest to the sun?

Answer: Mercury

What is the name of Saturn's largest moon called?

Answer: Titan

What was the name of the first artificial satellite?

Answer: Sputnik 1

What is the name of the force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?

Answer: Its called Gravity

Which planet is the largest in the solar system?

Answer: Jupiter

What is the Milky Way shape?

Answer: Spiral galaxy

What is it called when the universe looks the same in all directions?

Answer: Isotropic

Which is the farthest distant object visible to the naked eye?

Answer: Andromeda galaxy

The term for a natural satellite is called?

Answer: The Moon

What can be found in the center of the solar system?

Answer: The Sun

Which country made the first satellite?

Answer: The Soviet Union

How many countries have been to the moon?

Answer: Only 7 countries so far have been to the moon

How many people have been to the moon?

Answer: A total of 24 people have visited the Moon. This includes those who stayed in orbit but didn't land on the moon surface

Space Quiz NASA

General Knowledge Science Questions and Answers

When was NASA founded?

Answer: 29 July 1958, United States

Which was the first spacecraft to successfully land on the moon?

Answer: Apollo 11

When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?

Answer: July 20, 1969

How old was Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon?

Answer: 38 years old

Which is the first animal to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth?

Answer: A dog called Laika on board the Sputnik 2

According to Apollo astronauts, the Moon dust smells like what?

Answer: Burnt gunpowder

How many space shuttles are there in the US?

Answer: Four: Columbia, Endeavour, Discovery, Atlantis

What is the first artificial satellites of United States?

Answer: Explorer 1

Which probe was the first space probe to leave the solar system?

Answer: Pioneer 10

What is the name of the space shuttle that blew up in mid-air on 28 January, 1986?

Answer: Challenger

What year was the first Pioneer space probe launched?

Answer: 1958

What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope?

Answer: Hubble Space Telescope

Who was the second man on the moon?

Answer: Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin

Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

What was the modules spacecrafts name that flew the first crew to the moon?

Answer: Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) "Eagle"

How many people have walked on the moon?

Answer: 12 people walked on the moon

Who was the last person to walk on the moon?

Answer: Cernan remains as of 2022 "The last man on the Moon"

Who was the third man on the moon?

Answer: Charles "Pete" Conrad

What does the letter "S" stand for in NASA?

Answer: Space

How many manned space missions are launched by NASA so far?

Answer: 166

The first spacecraft to reach the surface of the moon was?

Answer: Luna 1

The Hubble Space Telescope Questions and Answers

The Hubble Space Telescope Questions and Answers

When was the Hubble space telescope launched?

Answer: April 24, 1990

How big is the Hubble space telescope?

Answer: 43.5 feet long

What is the Hubble telescope distance from earth?

Answer: About 535 kilometers

Who invented the Hubble telescope?

Answer: Edwin Hubble

What type of telescope is the Hubble space telescope?

Answer: Cassegrain reflector telescope

How often does Hubble orbit earth?

Answer: Every 95 minutes

What instrument was replaced on Hubble space telescope?

Answer: Wide-Field Camera 2 (WFPC2)

Who made the Hubble telescope lens?

Answer: Lockheed Martin (spacecraft) Perkin-Elmer (optics)

What flaw did the Hubble telescope have?

Answer: Spherical aberration

The James Webb Space Telescope Questions and Answers

The James Webb Space Telescope Questions and Answers

Where is James Webb telescope now?

Answer: Currently now at L2

When was James Webb space telescope launched?

Answer: 25 December 2021 at 12:20 pm GMT

When did NASA release the first images from the James Webb space telescope?

Answer: July 12, 2022

How big is the James Webb space telescope?

Answer: About 22 metres by 12 metres

How far can the James Webb telescope see?

Answer: About 13.6 billion light years

The James Webb telescope is named after who?

Answer: James Webb, former administrator in NASA

How much did it cost to build the James Webb space telescope?

Answer: About $10 billion

Where is the control center for James Webb space telescope located?

Answer: Baltimore, Maryland

How far is James Webb space telescope from earth?

Answer: About 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles)

Editor in Chief

Hi, I'm Isaac, a blogger, trivia enthusiast and owner of Trivia Faith Blog, a platform dedicated to providing a unique perspective on faith, spirituality, and engaging trivia quiz.

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