99 Fun Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers
In this post, we will be sharing with you some jolly Christmas trivia questions and answers for kids and adults.
We have a selection of Xmas quiz questions that covers the history of Christmas, trivia questions on Christmas movies and famous Christmas songs.
How much of Christmas history do you know or remember? This is a great way of testing your knowledge on this topic.
So put on your Santa hat, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s get started!
What Is Christmas?
Christmas is the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25. The word “Christmas” comes from the old English “Cristes maesse”, meaning “Christ’s Mass”.
How Did Christmas Start?
The first recorded Christmas celebration was in Rome in 336 AD. However, the holiday did not become widely popular in the United States until the 19th century.
Christmas Trivia For Kids – Questions & Answers
Are you looking for some fun trivia questions to keep the little ones entertained this holiday season? Here are some great Christmas trivia questions for kids!

Q1: After leaving Bethlehem, to which country did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus travel?
A: Egypt
Q2: What sign were the shepherds to look for when they went in search for Jesus?
A: A baby wrapped in cloth and placed lying in a manger
Q3: What are the names of the wise men?
A: The answer is no one knows as it was not written in the Bible.
Q4: In which town was Mary when the angel appeared to her?
A: Nazareth
Q5: How did the shepherds know that Jesus was born?
A: An angel of the Lord appeared to them and told them of the good news – Luke 2:8-12
Q6: Where did Jesus lay when he was born?
A: According to Luke 2:7, Jesus wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn
Q7: How many wise men does the Bible say came to visit Jesus?
A: No one knows. There are many blogs that claim there were 3 wise men but that is not true as the Bible did not mention the number of wise men that came to visit baby Jesus
Q8: Who said “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”?
A: The Heavenly Host with an angel – Luke 2:13-14
Q9: Why did Jesus come to earth?
A: There are many reasons why Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to save the sinners from eternal destruction; He came to do the will of the father; He came to destroy the works of the devil; He came to give His life as a ransom for many
Q10: What three gifts did the wise men bring?
A: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
Q11: What is the name of the angel that appeared to Mary to tell her that she was with child?
A: Angel Gabriel
Q12: When the wise men brought their gifts to baby Jesus, they found him in?
A: A house
Q13: Which book of the Bible gives an account of the Birth of Jesus?
A: Luke 2
Q14: What is the name of the virgin that gave birth to Jesus?
A: Mary
Q15: In which city did Mary and Joseph go to for the census?
A: Bethlehem
Q16: What is the name of the city that Jesus was born in?
A: Bethlehem
Q17: How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
A: The bible did not specify their mode of transport, but it is believed they travelled using a donkey with Mary on it and Joseph walking beside her
Q18: How many angels appeared to the shepherds?
A: Just one
Q19: Who followed the star that led them to baby Jesus?
A: The wise men
Q20: Where was Jesus laid after he was born?
A: Laid in a manger
Q21: Who told Joseph to name the child Jesus?
A: An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream – Matthew 1:20
Q22: What are the colours of Christmas?
A: Traditionally Red and Green
Q23: What does the word “Xmas” mean?
A: The word “Xmas” is a shortened form of the word “Christmas”.
Q24: What do people traditionally put on top of a Christmas tree?
A: An angel
Q25: What meat is traditionally eaten on Christmas day?
A: Turkey
Q26: What words follow “Silent Night” in the song?
A: Holy night
Q27: When is Christmas celebrated?
A: Every 25th of December
Q28: Why is Christmas celebrated?
A: Christmas is celebrated for the birth of Jesus Christ
Q29: What day is Christmas eve?
A: 24th of December
Q30: Complete the title of this popular Christmas carol, “O Little Town Of _?_”
A: Bethlehem
Christmas Trivia Printable For Kids

Christmas Trivia For Adults – Questions & Answers
Are you looking for some trivia questions about Christmas to use at a party or as part of a game? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some trivia questions (and answers) about Christmas that adults will love.
Q1: Who was the King of England crowned on Christmas Day in 1066?
A: William the Conqueror was the king crowned the first Norman king of England
Q2: What was Little Jack Horner in the famous nursery rhyme eating?
A: Little Jack was eating a Christmas pie
Q3: Can you unscramble the following letters to reveal a type of Christmas tree: ECPRSU?
A: Spruce
Q4: Name the country that donates the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree to Great Britain yearly?
A: Norway
Q5: Can you name the two missing reindeer: Dasher, Vixen, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen?
A: Rudolph and Dancer
Q6: Which famous carol is called “Stille Nacht” in German?
A: Silent Night
Q7: Who invented electric Christmas lights and when?
A: Edward H. Johnson in 1882
Q8: What is the opening line to the famous Christmas song “Santa Claus is Comin to Town”
A: You better watch out
Q9: Who started the tradition of lighting Christmas trees?
A: Germany is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition
Q10: Which President banned Christmas trees?
A: President Theodore Roosevelt
Q11: How many Christmas trees were in the White House in 2020?
A: 62 Christmas trees
Q12: Which Hebrew word starts with the letter M, with meaning “the anointed one” in the Bible?
A: Messiah
Q13: Which three countries are first to celebrate New Year?
A: The small Pacific island nations of Samoa, Tonga and Kiribati are the first countries to welcome New Year
Q14: On the 12th Day of Christmas song, what were the lord’s doing?
A: Ten lords a leaping
Q15: Which children’s builder took the number one spot at Christmas time in 2000?
A: Bob the Builder
Q16: Boxing Day is celebrated on what day?
A: 26th of December
Q17: What is celebrated on 24th December every year?
A: Christmas Eve
Q18: How do you say Merry Christmas in French?
A: Joyeux Noël
Q19: What type of calendar is used in the countdown to Christmas?
A: An Advent calendar
Q20: Which British Royal Family member prepares a speech that is broadcasted on Christmas Day?
A: Queen Elizabeth
Q21: Who wrote Simply having a wonderful Christmas time?
A: Paul McCartney
Q22: What is the most expensive Christmas ornament?
A: An emu egg set in 24-carat gold covered in diamond dust
Q23: What is the most popular Christmas cookie?
A: Gingerbread cookies
Q24: What is the most played Christmas song?
A: All I Want for Christmas Is You
Q25: What night does the Christmas season traditionally come to an end?
A: Twelfth Night
Q26: Which famous Christmas Carol Hymn includes the lyrics “joyful and triumphant”?
A: O Come All Ye Faithful
Q27: In which famous Christmas movie did Donald Trump make a brief appearance but was later edited out?
A: Home Alone 2
Q28: Christmas Island is located in which ocean?
A: The Indian Ocean
Q29: Where was the song Silent Night first performed?
A: Austria in 1818
Q30: Which state in American first recognized Christmas as a state holiday?
A: Alabama in 1836
Christmas Trivia Printable For Adults

Hard Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers
Q1: Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
A: Germany
Q2: How many miles did Mary and Joseph have to travel to get to Bethlehem?
A: Roughly 80 miles
Q3: What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving?
A: Jingle Bells
Q4: What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
A: Coca-Cola
Q5: What is a manger?
A: A feeding trough.
Q6: What is frankincense?
A: A plant resin with healing properties
Q7: What is Christmas originally known as?
A: Yule
Q8: When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?
A: 7th of January
Q9: What is the Spanish name for Santa Claus?
A: papa Noel
Q10: According to the Christmas song “Jingle Bells,” what is it fun to ride in?
A: A one-horse open sleigh
Q11: What type of animals pull Santa’s sleigh?
A: Reindeer
Q12: Who wrote the novel, A Christmas Carol?
A: Charles Dickens
Q13: How many total gifts are given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song?
A: 364
Q14: What does the name Immanuel mean?
A: God with us
Q15: What in the world are Magi?
A: Astrologers
Q16: What animals were present at Jesus birth?
A: The Bible dis not say anything about animals being present in the manger
Q17: What is traditionally hidden in a Christmas pudding?
A: A silver coin
Q18: In this popular Christmas song, what words follow “Silent Night”?
A: Holy Night
Q19: Which Christmas song contains the lyric “Everyone dancing merrily in the new old fashioned way?”
A: Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
Q20: What is Santa Claus’ real name?
A: Santa Claus’ real name is Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was a kind and generous man who was known for his acts of charity. He lived in what is now Turkey and his legend grew over the years.
Q21: How many reindeers does Santa have?
A: Santa has nine reindeers – Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.
Q22: What do reindeers eat?
A: Reindeers eat a lot of different plants, but their favourite food is lichen. Lichen is a type of plant that grows in cold environments like the Arctic tundra.
Q23: How does Santa get into houses?
A: Santa gets into houses through the chimney.
Q24: What does Mrs. Claus do?
A: Mrs. Claus helps Santa with his work. She is also known for her baking skills and often leaves cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Q25: What do elves do?
A: Elves help Santa make toys in the workshop. They are also responsible for making sure that all the reindeers are taken care of.
Q26: What is Santa Claus traditional English name?
A: Father Christmas.
Q27: What is the name of Santa’s sleigh?
A: Santa’s sleigh is called Dasher.
Q28: What does Santa eat on Christmas Eve?
A: Santa eats cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. He also enjoys carrots, as they give him energy for his long night of delivering presents.
Q29: What does Santa Claus wear?
A: Santa Claus wears a red suit with white fur trimming. He also wears a black belt and boots.
Q30: What is the North Pole?
A: The North Pole is the home of Santa Claus. It is also where his workshop and elves are located.
10 Christian Trivia Questions and Answer
Bible Trivia Questions
Q1: What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary?
A: Michael
B: Raphael
C: Gabriel
D: No name
Q2: Whom did Mary visit immediately after Gabriel appeared to her?
A: Martha
B: Esther
C: Mary Magdalene
D: Elizabeth
Q3: Who was the mother of Jesus?
A: Elizabeth
B: Martha
C: Mary
D: Faith
Q4: Which of these is not a gift that the wise men brought for Jesus?
A: Gold
B: Myrrh
C: Silver
D: Frankincense
Q5: Who else came to visit Jesus?
A: 3 wise men
B: The merchants
C: The shepherds
D: King Herod
Q6: Who was sent from God to prepare the way for Jesus?
A: Elijah
B: Moses
C: John the Baptist
D: Enoch
Q7: Who was king when Jesus was born?
A: David
B: Herod
C: Darius
D: Caesar
Q8: What ritual did Jesus undergo when he was eight days old?
A: Birthday party
B: Christening
C: Circumcision
D: Baptism
Q9: How did God warn the wise men?
A: Sent a text message
B: In a dream
C: Sent a prophet
D: In an open vision
Q10: What sign were the shepherds to look for?
A: A star over a stable
B: Fireworks
C: A barn outlined with Christmas lights
D: A baby in a manger
Bible Trivia Answers
Q1: Gabriel – Luke 1:26-28
Q2: Elizabeth – Luke 1:39-40
Q3: Mary – Matthew 2:11
Q4: Silver – Matthew 2:11
Q5: The shepherds – Luke 2:15
Q6: John the Baptist – Mark 1:7-8
Q7: Herod – Matthew 2:1
Q8: Circumcision – Luke 2:21
Q9: In a dream – Matthew 2:12
Q10: A baby in a manger – Luke 2:12
Frequently Asked Questions
What Do People Eat on Christmas Day?
There is no one answer to this question as people all over the world celebrate Christmas with different foods.
However, some traditional Christmas dishes include roast beef, ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce.
What Do People Do on Christmas Day?
Again, there is no one answer to this question as people celebrate Christmas in different ways all over the world.
However, some common Christmas activities include gift giving, attending church services, and spending time with family and friends.
What Is the Christmas Story About?
The Christmas story is found in the Bible in the book of Luke. It tells the story of Jesus’ birth and how he came to be the Savior of the world.
What Are Some Popular Christmas Songs?
Some popular Christmas songs include “Jingle Bells”, “Deck the Halls”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, and “Silent Night”.
What Are Some Popular Christmas Movies?
Some popular Christmas movies include “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “Miracle on 34th Street”, “A Christmas Story”, and “Home Alone”.
What Is the Meaning of the Christmas Tree?
The Christmas tree is a symbol of Christianity to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is often decorated with lights, ornaments, and garland.
What Is the Meaning of the Christmas Star?
The Christmas star we believe symbolizes the star of Bethlehem, which guided the wise men to Jesus’ birthplace. It is also a symbol of hope and guidance.
We hope you enjoyed our trivia questions and answers! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays in advance!
See also:
I didn’t finish reading through all of your questions, Q12 and Q23 are both incorrect. The wise men found Jesus and his family at a home. It was quite some time after Jesus had been born. The X in Xmas is actually for the symbol Chi Rho, which means Christ. After finding these two errors I thought I should move to a more knowledgeable site.
Hi Traci and thanks for stopping by. On Q12, yes you are right, the wise men came to a house, it was the shepherds that visited Jesus in a manger. I have corrected that.
With regards to Q23, if the question was “Where did the word xmas come from?” then your answer would be correct but Xmas and Christmas essentially mean the same thing: Christ + mas = Christmas.