30 Easy Widows In The Bible Quiz

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How much do you know about the widow’s in the Bible? try out our widows in the Bible quiz to find out!

The questions and answers are designed to challenge you and help you learn more about the popular stories like the widow’s mite and the widow of Nain.

If you love our quizzes, also check out God Will Deliver You Trivia Quiz.

The Widow’s Mite Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the widow’s mite?

a: A plant that is used to make a herbal tea
b: A small coin worth very little money
c: A type of bread that is given to the poor
d: None of the above

2. How much money did the widow give to the temple?

a: 2 drachmas
b: 1 drachma
c: ½ a drachma
d: ¼ of a drachma

3. Why did the widow give all she had?

a: She was very poor and could not afford to keep any for herself
b: She wanted to show her love for God by giving him everything she had
c: She believed that God would bless her for her generosity
d: All of the above

4. The Widows mite is also known as what?

a: Dinar
b: Daric
c: Leptons
d: Hekte

5. The story of the widows mite can be found in which book of the Bible?

a: Romans
b: Luke
c: Revelation
d: Corinthians

6. What did Jesus say to his disciples about the widow’s offering?

a: the Apostles
b: She gave the Church
c: She gave more than the Priests
d: She gave more than the rich

7. The windows mite coins was made of what?

a: Silver
b: Gold
c: Aluminium
d: Copper

8. How many quadrans does two mites equals?

a: 1 quadrans
b: 2 quadrans
c: 3 quadrans
d: 4 quadrans

9. What lesson can we learn from the widow’s offering?

a: God is our helper
b: Widow offering is not accepted
c: God sees our sacrifice
d: God never accepted the small offering

10. Where was Jesus seated when the poor widow came and threw in two mites?

a: outside the synagogue
b: opposite the treasury
c: at the temple mount
d: near the offering basket

The Widow’s Mite Quiz Answers

  1. What is the widow’s mite? Answer: A small coin worth very little money
  2. How much money did the widow give to the temple? Answer: 2 drachmas
  3. Why did the widow give all she had? Answer: She wanted to show her love for God by giving him everything she had
  4. The Widows mite is also known as what? Answer: Leptons
  5. The story of the widows mite can be found in which book of the Bible? Answer: Luke
  6. What did Jesus say to his disciples about the widow’s offering? Answer: The poor widow gave more than the rich
  7. The windows mite coins was made of what? Answer: Copper
  8. How many quadrans does two mites equals? Answer: 1 quadrans
  9. What lesson can we learn from the widow’s offering? Answer: God sees our sacrifice
  10. 10. Where was Jesus seated when the poor widow came and threw in two mites? Answer: Opposite the treasury

Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath Quiz Questions

1. Who was the prophet that stayed with a widow in Zarephath?

a: Enoch
b: Elijah
c: Daniel
d: Hosea

2. In what region in the Bible was the town of Zarephath located?

a: Jordan
b: Judah
c: Sidon
d: Syria

3. Flour and __ were two things that the widow of Zarephath had.

a: Oil
b: Water
c: Milk
d: Wine

4. How many times did Elijah stretched himself over the widow of Zarephath dead son before he was revived?

a: Four times
b: Once
c: Twice
d: Three times

5. Where did Elijah meet the widow of Zarephath?

a: At the home of a priest
b: At the synagogue
c: At a prophets house
d: At the town gate

6. Elijah assured the widow of Zarephath that the jar of flour and jug of oil will not run dry until?

a: The day the Lord makes it rain
b: The second coming of the Lord
c: Israel becomes a nation
d: Resurrection day

7. What was the widow of Zarephath doing when Elijah met her the town’s gate?

a: She was attending to her sheep
b: She was gathering some sticks
c: She was drawing water from a well
d: She was eating with her family

8. Why was the widow of Zarephath gathering sticks?

a: So she may prepare a nice meal for Elijah
b: So she may sell it and make extra income
c: To give to a neighbour who was in need of it
d: So she may prepare a meal for herself and her son to eat and die

9. What does the story of the widow in Zarephath providing food for Elijah teach us about blessings?

a: It demonstrates that you don’t have to give to receive
b: It demonstrates that when strangers come to us for help, you need to seek God first before helping them
c: It demonstrates that when we give, we will receive even more from the Father
d: It demonstrates that sometimes its OK to be stingy

10. What can we learn from the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath?

a: Life is tough
b: Its better to die that to suffer
c: There is hope in God
d: Distance yourself from family members

Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath Answers

  1. Who was the prophet that stayed with a widow in Zarephath? Answer: Elijah
  2. In what region in the Bible was the town of Zarephath located? Answer: Sidon
  3. Flour and __ were two things that the widow of Zarephath had. Answer: Oil
  4. How many times did Elijah stretched himself over the widow of Zarephath dead son before he was revived? Answer: Three times
  5. Where did Elijah meet the widow of Zarephath? Answer: At the town gate
  6. Elijah assured the widow of Zarephath that the jar of flour and jug of oil will not run dry until? Answer: the day the Lord makes it rain
  7. What was the widow of Zarephath doing when Elijah met her the town’s gate? Answer: She was gathering some sticks
  8. Why was the widow of Zarephath gathering sticks? Answer: So she may prepare a meal for herself and her son to eat and die
  9. What does the story of the widow in Zarephath providing food for Elijah teach us about blessings? Answer: It demonstrates that when we give, we will receive even more from the Father
  10. What can we learn from the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath? Answer: There is hope in God

Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of Nain Questions and Answers

Easy Widows In The Bible Quiz

1. What did Jesus do to show compassion for the widow of Nain?

Answer: He raised the widow of Nain’s son from dead

2. When Jesus approached the town gate of Nain, what was been carried out?

Answer: The dead body of a widows son

3. What did Jesus touch when He approached the crowd carrying the dead?

Answer: The coffin

4. What was the very first thing the widow’s son did after Jesus brought him back to life?

Answer: The widow’s son began to talk

5. What did the people say after witnessing such a great miracle?

Answer: A great prophet has appeared among us

General Widows In The Bible Quiz

1. Where is this verse found in the bible; “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.”

Answer: Deuteronomy 10:18

2. Where in the Bible does it say to take care of the widows?

Answer: James 1:27

3. To whom did Judah say “Live as a widow in your father’s household until my son Shelah grows up”?

Answer: His daughter-in-law Tamar

4. God warns that we should not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless, else what will happen?

Answer: The wives will also become widows and children fatherless

5. At what age is a widow added to the list of widows according to the Bible?

Answer: Over 60 years

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