60 Fun Tuesday Trivia Questions and Answers

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Today is Tuesday and you are here for Tuesday trivia questions and answers. We have put together 60+ trivia questions and answers that covers various topics in the Bible.

Easy Tuesday Trivia Questions and Answers

1. While the Israelites were camped at Rephidim, who attacked them?

Answer: The warriors of Amalek – Exodus 17:8

2. Which Jewish feast commemorates Esther’s heroic act?

Answer: The festival of Purim – Esther 9:20-26

3. What was David’s job before he was anointed king?

Answer: A Shepherd

4. When Jesus arrived at the temple, whom did he drive out of the area?

Answer: Those buying and selling – Matthew 21:12-13

5. What was Bartimaeus’ illness when Jesus healed him?

Answer: Blindness – Mark 10:46-52

6. Complete the verse: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world __”

Answer: through Him – John 3:17

7. Complete this verse: “Many are called, but __.”

Answer: few are chosen – Matthew 22:14

8. Who planted crops in the land and the same year reaped a hundredfold?

Answer: Isaac – Genesis 26:12

9. The last time the dove returned to Noah’s ark, what did it have in its beak?

Answer: The leaf of olive tree – Genesis 8:11

10. I am the only woman in the Bible whose age was mentioned. Who am I?

Answer: Sarah – Genesis 23:1

11. Shortly after been anointed, David was hired to work for King Saul. What was David’s job?

Answer: A harpist – 1 Samuel 16:14-23

12. Fill in the blank: “The ____of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.”

Answer: Precepts – Psalm 19:8

13. To whom did Jesus say, “Get thee behind me, Satan”?

Answer: Both Peter and Satan – Matthew 16:23 and Luke 4:8

14. Who walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away?

Answer: Enoch – Genesis 5:24

15. Who dreamed of angels climbing up a ladder?

Answer: Jacob – Genesis 28:12

16. The story of Ruth happened during the time when the __ ruled.

Answer: Judges – Ruth 1:1

17. God told Moses to take the first census of every male from __ old and above.

Answer: 20 years – Exodus 30:14

18. To whom was this said? – “Go, return to Egypt, for all the men who sought your life are dead”

Answer: Moses – Exodus 4:19

19. Whose name means – “The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me”

Answer: Mara – Ruth 1:20

20. At Christ’s crucifixion when did darkness come over the whole land and how long did it last?

Answer: Noon for 3 hours – Matthew 27:45

2025 Trivia Questions and Answers

21. How many basketfuls of fragments were taken after Jesus fed the 4000?

Answer: Seven – Mark 8:20

22. What was the weapon that Samson used when he killed 1000 Philistines at Lehi?

Answer: Jawbone of an ass – Judges 15:15

23. Which disciple, aside from Peter and John, witnessed Jesus’ Transfiguration?

Answer: James – Matthew 17:1-2, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28-29

24. How many rivers were born from the river that flowed out of Eden?

Answer: 4 – Genesis 2:10 (Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates)

25. The name of the place where Jacob slept and dreamed of Jacob’s Ladder is called what?

Answer: Bethel – Genesis 28:19

26. A prophet instructed Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River to cleanse himself of leprosy. Who was this prophet?

Answer: Elisha – 2 Kings 5:10

27. Who announced to Zechariah that his wife would bear a child to be named John the Baptist?

Answer: Angel Gabriel – Luke 1:13

28. God put Abraham to the test by telling him to offer up his only son as a burnt offering. Who was that son?

Answer: Isaac – Genesis 22:2

29. Who saw Elijah being carried up to Heaven?

Answer: Elisha – 2 Kings 2:11-12

30. Only two people in the Bible are reported to be ‘taken up to Heaven’ with seeing death. Who are they?

Answer: Enoch and Elijah – Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11-12

31. Moses died when he was 120 years old. His body was buried in a valley in Moab. Who buried him?

Answer: The Lord – Deuteronomy 34:6

32. When Job’s friends heard about the misfortune that had befallen him, how many of them came to comfort him?

Answer: 3 – Job 2:11

33. The only woman mentioned by name in Paul’s letter to Philemon is who?

Answer: Apphia – Philemon 2

34. What time of day did Christ get on the boat from which He calmed the waters?

Answer: Evening – Mark 4:35

35. After Paul’s epiphany, how many years did he spend in Arabia before starting his ministry?

Answer: 3 years – Galatians 1:18

36. At the siege of Jerusalem, how many troops did Sennacherib lose?

Answer: 185,000 troops overnight – 2 Kings 19:35

37. How many demons were cast out of Mary of Magdalene?

Answer: 7 – Luke 8:2

38. When the people came out to be baptized, John the Baptist said they were like what?

Answer: Brood of vipers – Luke 3:7

39. He took his rod and stretched out his hand to turn the waters of Egypt into blood. Who was this?

Answer: Aaron – Exodus 7:19-20

40. God described Job as a perfect and upright man to who?

Answer: Satan – Job 1:8

Random Trivia Questions

41. The Apostle Paul was a member of the tribe of Israel. Which of the 12 tribes?

Answer: Benjamin – Philippians 3:5

42. Apostle Paul was directed to preach to the Gentiles? Who sent him?

Answer: Jesus – Acts 26:17

43. When David killed Goliath, who was then the king of Israel?

Answer: Saul – 1 Samuel 17

44. To whom did Peter say this words to: “Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee?”?

Answer: Lame Beggar at the temple gate called Beautiful – Acts 3:6

45. James, the brother of John, was the first Apostle to be martyred. How did he die?

Answer: With a sword – Acts 12:2

46. In order to receive the crown of life, as mentioned in the Book of Revelations, certain actions must be taken.

Answer: Must be faithful until death – Revelations 2:10

47. What body of water, apart from the red sea, was parted in the Bible?

Answer: Jordan river – By Joshua (Joshua 3:7-4:18), and by Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2: 2-8 and 13-14)

48. There are only two perfect cubes described in the Bible. Which one is described in Revelation?

Answer: The New Jerusalem – Revelation 21:16

49. In revelation, how many persons were sealed as ‘servants of our God on their forehead’?

Answer: 144,000 – Revelations 7:4

50. Which king did Isaac say Rebecca was his sister to, when in reality she was his wife?

Answer: Abimelech – Genesis 26:1-9

51. 3 women found Christ’s tomb opened and empty. They were Mary the mother of James, Mary Magdalene and __”

Answer: Joanna – Luke 24:10

52. After Moses killed the Egyptian soldier, which land did he flee to?

Answer: Median – Exodus 2:15

53. Whose bones did Moses remove from Egypt at the time of the Exodus?

Answer: Joseph – Exodus 13:19

54. Where did Jesus spend the night after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem and after visiting the temple?

Answer: Bethany – Mark 11:11

55. The first two disciples of Jesus were brothers. Can you name them in alphabetical order?

Answer: Andrew and Simon – Mark 1:16

56. In the Bible, King Nebuchadnezzar exiled how many Jews to Babylon?

Answer: 4600 – Jeremiah 52:30

57. Moses gathered an army of Israelites in preparation for their conflict with the seven nations of Canaan. How many people were in this army?

Answer: 603550 – Numbers 1:46

58. When the Israelites were finally allowed by God to enter the promised land of Canaan, how many nations had to be destroyed?

Answer: Seven – Acts 13:19

59. On the 7th day, Joshua’s army marched around Jericho how many times before the walls fell.

Answer: 7 – Joshua 6:5

60. What other animal in the Old Testament, aside from the Serpent, spoke to humans?

Answer: Donkey – Numbers 22:28-30

Fun Tuesday Trivia Questions and Answers PDF

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Tuesday Trivia Questions and Answers

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